quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2008

o segredo do capitão Rockhopper.

Ontem entrei no meu pinguim para ver se haviam novidadese meu pinguim estava desse jeito:

entao cheguei a conclusao de que o Rockhopper é um pinguim normal
ex: seu pinguim
mas tambem descobri que existe um progama de hacker que te transforma no rockhopper para baixa-lo clique aqui
na proxima postagem eu colocarei os codigos do progama . o para virar o capitao rockhopper é 442

segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2008

como virar ninja

essas imagens abaixo sao de ninjas escondidos:
eu descobri algumas coisas sobre os ninjas:

eu estive estudando sobre essas sombras e conclui que sao ninjas das sombras.no tempo em que eu estudei sobre eles descobri como ser ninja. 1 deves ficar no dojo por 3 horas.2 voce deve dar log off e ficar esperando por mais 3 horas.3 entre de novo e fique por mais 3 horas no dojo.entao aparecera um ninja vestido com roupa preta e um outro com roupa branca.4 vc deve clicar no botao de fazer amizades com os dois ninjas.5 entao aparecerá o sensei e te dara a roupa de ninja e um pergaminho.6 clica no pergaminho e digite shandow. entao va a lighthouse e vc vera que a sombra sumiu e depois va a ski ludge e o espelho terá caido no chao.7 clique nele e ele voltara pro lugar.8 va ao dojo e os dois ninjas(do espelho e o da lighthouse)8clique no lugar de fazer amizades com eles e eles irao embora e viraram seus amigos.9 o pinguim sensei vai de dar outro pergaminho e nesse outro vc tem q digitar "ninja" entao aparecera uma bola amarela no seu pinguim e vc sera banido por 24 horas.10 depois de 24 horas vc entra no seu pinguim e ele tera a roupa de ninja no seu inventory. 11 e se vc for um agente secreto vc tera q fazer as missoes de agente secreto e de ninja. espero ter ajudado fui...........

quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2008

coisas do club penguin

Site do Club Penguin
Banner do site do Club Penguin: http://media.clubpenguin.com/flash/HeaderHomepage.swf
Enquete do site do Club Penguin: http://blog.clubpenguin.com/poll


Clothing Catalog: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/clothing_0804.swf
Wig Catalog: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/hair_0803.swf
Furniture Catalog: http://media.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/furniture_0804.swf
Igloo Catalog: http://media.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/igloo_0804.swf
Puffle Catalog: http://media.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/puffle_0711.swf
Puffle Furniture: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/pets_0711.swf
The F.I.S.H: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/fish_0804.swf
Postcard Catalog: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/cards_0804.swf
Costume Catalog: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/costume_0804.swf
Pirate Catalog: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/catalogue/pirate_0804.swf


Coffee Shop: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/1.swf
Dance Mix: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/2.swf
Penguin Chat 3: http://web.archive.org/web/20070112101750/play.clubpenguin.com/music/3.swf
Night Club: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/5.swf
Boiler Room: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/6.swf
Agent HQ: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/7.swf
Pizza Parlor: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/20.swf
Alien Stage Play: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/30.swf
The Fish: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/31.swf
Superhero Stage: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/32.swf
Mascot Stage: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/33.swf
Egyptian Stage: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/34.swf
Hydro Hopper: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/100.swf
Bean Counters: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/101.swf
Puffle Roundup: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/102.swf
Ice Fishing: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/103.swf
Cart Surfer: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/105.swf
Pizzatron 3000: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/106.swf
Jet Pack Adventure: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/110.swf
Thin Ice: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/111.swf
Catching Waves: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/113.swf
Aqua Grabber: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/114.swf
Jingle Bells: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/200.swf
April Fools Party: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/201.swf
Sub-Marine Party 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/202.swf
Sub-Marine Party 2:http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/203.swf
Summer Party: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/204.swf
Halloween Party (2006 e 2007):http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/205.swf
Winter Fiesta 2007: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/206.swf
Festival of Snow: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/207.swf
St. Patrick’s Day Party: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/208.swf
Folk Guitar: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/209.swf
Driving Guitar: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/210.swf
Jazz: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/211.swf
Ocean Voyage: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/212.swf
Cool Surf: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/214.swf
Summer Party 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/215.swf
Summer Party 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/216.swf
Water Party: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/217.swf
Water Party 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/218.swf
Camp Party 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/219.swf
Camp Party 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/220.swf
Fall Fair: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/221.swf
Fall Fair Music: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/222.swf
Halloween Party 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/223.swf
Halloween Party 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/224.swf
Western Party: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/225.swf
Christmas Party 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/226.swf
Christmas Calm: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/227.swf
Christmas Party 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/228.swf
Winter Fiesta 2008: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/229.swf
Christmas Jam: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/400.swf
Beach Mix: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/401.swf
Hard Rock: http://play.clubpenguin.com/music/402.swf

Salas do Club Penguin

Town: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/town50.swf
Dock: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/dock50.swf
Beach: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/beach50.swf
Lighthouse: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/light50.swf
Beacon: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/beacon50.swf
Snow Forts: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/forts50.swf
Plaza: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/plaza50.swf
Ice Rink: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/rink50.swf
Ski Village: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/village50.swf
Ice Berg: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/berg50.swf
Mine: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/mine50.swf
Shack: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/shack50.swf
Cove: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/cove50.swf
Forest: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/forest50.swf
Cave: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/cave50.swf
Agent HQ: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/agent50.swf
Boiler Room: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/boiler50.swf
Stage 1: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/stage44.swf
Stage 2: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/stage41.swf
Stage 3: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/stage42.swf
Stage 4: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/stage43.swf
Stage 5: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/stage51.swf
Gift Shop: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/shop50.swf
Sport Shop: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/shop50.swf
Ski Lodge: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/lodge50.swf
Lodge Attic: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/attic50.swf
Dojo: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/dojo50.swf
Coffee Shop: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/coffee50.swf
Pet Shop: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/pet50.swf
Pizza Parlor: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/pizza50.swf
Book Room: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/book50.swf
Night Club: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/dance50.swf
Dance Lounge: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/lounge50.swf
Mountain: http://media1.clubpenguin.com/artwork/rooms/mtn50.swf

Jogos do Club Penguin

Find Four: http://play.clubpenguin.com/games/four/game7.swf
Mancala: http://play.clubpenguin.com/games/mancala/mancala33.swf
Grab & Spin: http://play.clubpenguin.com/games/fair/spin.swf
Ring the Bell: http://play.clubpenguin.com/games/fair/bell.swf
Aqua Grabber: http://media.clubpenguin.com/games/sub/game1.swf
Thin Ice: http://media.clubpenguin.com/games/thinice/game1.swf
Ice Fishing: http://play.clubpenguin.com/games/fish/fish33.swf
Paint By Letters - My Puffle: http://media.clubpenguin.com/games/book1/game1.swf
Paint By letters - Burnt Out Bulbs: http://media.clubpenguin.com/games/book2/game1.swf

Backgrouns do Club Penguin

Hearts Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/1.swf
Flowers Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/2.swf
Moon and Stars Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/3.swf
Clouds Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/4.swf
Cut Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/5.swf
Archery Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/6.swf
Camouflage Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/7.swf
This is Me! Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/8.swf
Red Flower Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/9.swf
Blue Flower Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/10.swf
Palm Tree Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/11.swf
Island Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/12.swf
Western Sunset Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/13.swf
Horse Thing Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/14.swf
Wild West Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/15.swf
Stagecoach Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/16.swf
The Band Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/17.swf
Soccer Game Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/18.swf
Hockey Game Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/19.swf
Basketball Game Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/20.swf
Gym Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/21.swf
Blue Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/22.swf
Bricks Wall Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/23.swf
Underwater Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/24.swf
Puffles Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/25.swf
Lighthouse Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/26.swf
Leaves Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/27.swf
Pumpkin Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/28.swf
Igloo Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/29.swf
Wall Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/30.swf
Zigzag Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/31.swf
Christmas Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/32.swf
Christmas Tree Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/33.swf
Christmas Eve Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/34.swf
Snow Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/35.swf
Ice Fishing Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/36.swf
Dance Club Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/37.swf
Strange Picture Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/38.swf
Night Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/39.swf
Snowman Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/40.swf
White Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/41.swf
Rainy Day Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/42.swf
Sunny Day Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/43.swf
Pizza Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/44.swf
Sea Monster Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/45.swf
Music Notes Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/46.swf
Piano Keys Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/47.swf
Instruments Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/48.swf
Books Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/49.swf
Balloons Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/50.swf
Ballistic Biscuit Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/51.swf
Picnic Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/52.swf
Surfboards Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/53.swf
Fish Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/54.swf
Campfire Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/55.swf
Puzzle Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/56.swf
Water Balloon Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/57.swf
Water Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/58.swf
Rockhopper Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/59.swf
Treasure Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/60.swf
Tent Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/61.swf
Lemonade Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/62.swf
Night in Forest Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/63.swf
Camp Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/64.swf
Baseball Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/65.swf
Apples Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/66.swf
Penguins Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/67.swf
Surfing Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/68.swf
Sunset Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/69.swf
Teddy Bear Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/70.swf
Scary Night Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/71.swf
Trick or Treat Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/72.swf
Candy Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/73.swf
Football Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/74.swf
Top of Mountain Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/75.swf
Paratrooper Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/76.swf
Snapshots Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/77.swf
Christmas Gifts Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/78.swf
Orange Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/79.swf
Flower Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/80.swf
Stars Background: http://play.clubpenguin.com/artwork/photos/81.swf

Tuturiais do Club Penguin
How to Edit your Igloo(como editar o teu Igloo): http://www.clubpenguin.com/flash/HowToIgloo04.swf
Post Cards do Club Penguin
“It was really COOL to meet you!”: http://media.clubpenguin.com/artwork/cards/11.swf
Medalhas e prémios das Missões

Vista pelo Telescópio
Vista pelos Binóculos
Coisas do Club Penguin
Sítios do Club Penguin
Jogos do Club Penguin

terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2008

missao 8

gente saiu no club penguin a missao 8 eu ja cumpri ela e é muito facil. achei um video tutorial e só ver abaixo:

sábado, 14 de junho de 2008

medalha da missão 7

essa foto é a da medalha da missão 7.tive que pegar imprestada com a pinktuks pois minha mae deletou a foto da minha medalha mas a medalha é a mesma so muda o dono.quando vc conseguir a sua clique na area marcada:entao a medalha abrira e virara um relogio:


dia 20/06/2008 averá um novo pin no club penguin.ainda nao fui informado sobre sua localidade mas quando eu for eu publicarei no blog.

pinguim foge da prisão

hpc2 um ladrao q havia sido desmolecularizado pelo gary , foi resgatado e reconstituido por algum pinguim q ajudou ele a fugir de uma prisão de segurança maxima, ele tambem venceu o pinguim wig2 q teve seu nome publicado no jornal, ele assumiu a forma de wig2 e esta por ai quem acha-lo deve entrega-lo a gary imediatamente,lembrando q ele e um pinguim perigoso q jurou vingança pelo club penguim ele esta assim:ha uma recompensa muito grande para quem o achar .
P.S:quem o achar deve reclamar o premio para o gary e ele dará a recompensa.


O tour serve para ajudar os pinguins novos do Club Penguin, a conhecerem todos os lugares da cidade mais rápido, saber os jogos que os lugares tem... Para trabalhar no tour, o pinguin deve ter 45 dias ou mais. Para teres o chapéu do tour tens que responder acertadamente ás perguntas que te vão sendo apresentadas. A seguir estão as respostas das perguntas que deves responder para o ganhares.

Pergunta 1:

P:Which color of puffle can catch fire?

Pergunta 2:

P:In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
R:Boiler room

Pergunta 3:

P:Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the back round?
R:Pet shop

Pergunta 4:

P:How does the pink puffle play?
R: Skips with a skipping rope

Pergunta 5:

P:What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?
R:The Viking helmet

Pergunta 6:

P:How many sled racing tracks are there?
R: 4

Pergunta 7:

P:Which room has a cuckoo clock?
R:Ski lodge

Pergunta 8:

P:How do you get a pin?
R:Walk on top of it

Pergunta 9:

P:Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?

Pergunta 10:

P:What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?
R:The Migrator

Pergunta 11:

P:What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of bean counters?
R:A flower pot

Pergunta 12:

P:What day does the newspaper come out?

Pergunta 13:

P:What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

Pergunta 14:

P:Which of these games has a shark in it?
R:Jetpack adventure

Pergunta 15:

P:How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

agente secreto

para ser um agente secreto voce tem q ter 30 dias ou mais e responder os testes corretamente
as resposta vao estar em ordem:

being meam or rude,
report them,
saying their address,
i want to keep club penguin safe,
i want to help other penguins.

e entao saia do seu pinguim e entre nova mente e vc tera o celular e o quartel estará aberto em um dos provadores do sport shop ou vc clica no celular e clica em ``visit hq´´ e voce aparecera no quartel.... fui....

novo colaborador

Esse é o pinguim Juliasomilio adora coisas de agua e de agente secreto .Ele é o meu braço direito vive me apoiando nos momentos dificeis sempre me deixa mais feliz , é meu melhor amigo e agora é um colaborador do blog


gostaram do wappader aqui tem alguns brindes q ele trosse
este mapa abaixo e onde ele colocou seu tesouro e dentro do tesouro tem todos os brindes e o pinguim q o achar virara menbro pagante de graça.

coisas secretas

o club penguin esta com seus catalogos super. clique nos lugares marcados para ver os brindes secretos.espero q gostem...tchau...

warter party 2008

ola pinguins. esta sexta feira no club penguin tem uma festa q esta dando 3 free itens. uma boia q esta no cove,um avental q esta no plaza e um colar de concha q esta no beach. o avental faz sorvete,a boia faz o pinguin nadar e o colar e só um enfeite. espero q voces gostem.fui...